Located in Woods Hole, Massachusetts- Shuckers Raw Bar & Grill has been a staple to both locals and tourists.

Lobster Roll
When it comes to lobster rolls- nothing compares to New England. And when it comes to mouth-watering, jam-packed lobster rolls- nothing compares to the Cape.
One of Backwoods Good's favorites comes from the infamous, Shuckers Raw Bar.
This "world-famous" restaurant has been around for decades, bringing in both tourists catching the ferry to the Vineyard as well as locals who love good food, good music and a good time.
Recently it was taken over by a former "Shuckette", Lilly Strout, who re-vamped the menu but made sure to keep the original vibe and flavor alive. This, of course, includes their killer Lobster Roll. It comes both cold (as shown above) as well as "warm"- which is basically cooked lobster and warm butter loaded into a bun. The simplicity is key here- lobster at it's finest. Showcased and devoured the way its meant to.

Freshly shucked raw bar
It's not called Shuckers world famous raw bar for nothing!
Shuckers is not just the name of this place, its also the job of those who work there. That's right- their raw bar is "shucked" by the order. Want an oyster? A couple little necks? This place serves them seconds after they're opened.
I know, we're drooling too.
Order oysters, cherry stones or little necks here- you won't be disappointed. Can't decide? Us either- so we ordered a little of each.
Shuckers World Famous Raw Bar
P.O. Box 246 91A Water Street Woods Hole, MA 02540
w: http://www.shuckerscapecod.com
p: (508) 540-3850